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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A plate & bowl!

First bowl!

The color really changed after firing! I like this better than the light pink in the beginning!

First "wavy" plate!

I Love this mold!! Next time I am using a blue glass.

view of bottom.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Plate & Bowls

Whoo Hoo! I did my first bowls and plate! Won't know for sure until I check them out after the cool down (tomorrow) but the last time I looked, they looked great!!
Loaded and ready to fire

At high temp (1240), venting down. Can't wait to see them tomorrow when they are cool!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Playing with glass - literally!

 Playing around with circles cut from both large and small Perrier bottles, the clear one is from a coffee syrup bottle and the orange glass is Uroboros pieces.

At high temp - 1485

All cooled down!

Some of the pieces slumped or fell more than I thought they would, but hey it was an experiment/learning exercise!

bottle slivers fused together, almost all of the fused, just a few on the outside came loose - might fire again

another view

I love this glass with light behind it!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Experimenting/Playing with Glass!

Crown Royal bottle and misc. circles cut from other bottles

At high temp!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Finally got to use the kiln!!

Two blue bottles - I love this color!

Can't tell they are blue now! At about 1400

All cooled down and back to normal color.

I have discovered it is better in addition to washing them thoughly I also "rinse" them with denatured alchol then blow with air to dry. No fingerprints or any residue.